LOW-CARB MEALS IN MINUTES by Linda Gassenheimer 208 pages Description The Zone, the Carbohydrate Addicts Diet, Protein Power - today's hottest diets depend on one thing: cutting carbohydrates. But it's tough to do so when you're eating on the go. Low-Carb Meals in Minutes gives the millions of people trying to eat healthier and lose weight exactly what they need: six weeks of complete low-carb meals that go from the cutting board to the table in no time. The book includes 126 menus divided into three sections, including *Quick Start: For the introductory period, when carbohydrates are reduced to jump-start weight loss and eliminate food cravings *Which Carbs: For the transition period, when carbohydrates are reintroduced *Right Carbs: For a permanent regimen, with a healthy balance of 30 percent protein, 30 percent fat, and 40 percent carbohydrate. In each section, recipes are provided for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks. All are nutritionally well-balanced and low in saturated fat. Also included are easy-to-follow instructions, cooking tips, convenient shopping lists, and timesaving suggestions. Reviews Laying it straight out is "Low-Carb Meals in Minutes." Though being pushed by their marketing guys as a "hot diet," it is a legitimate and tasty cookbook and planner. A lot of the difficulty in diets is getting the infrastructure together. You've got to buy the stuff, budget things, and then schedule your meal plans. In "Low-Carb Meals in Minutes," you still need to do your homework, but Gassenheimer lays in out in a sensible, easy-to-follow way. She teaches you how. In fact, one of the first things you'll see is a two-week menu plan to get you going. I fully recommend this "Low-Carb Meals in Minutes," but I'd better stop writing. Her whisky pork chops would taste great about now. Fixed Price: 3 Euro Weight: 950 grammes Sluiten Contacteer de verkoper Je naam Je e-mail Je telefoonnummer (optioneel) Je bod € (optioneel) Tekst Verstuur mij een kopie van deze reactie Micro: - Wachten Bekijk de 1715 zoekertjes van Micro Zoekertje bewaren Zoekertje bewaard in Favorieten Printen Voor de verkoper: Wijzig, verwijder of plaats omhoog Zoekertje doorsturen naar een vriend Deel op Facebook Zoekertjesnummer: 8953558 Wat is er mis met dit zoekertje? Sluiten Stuur dit zoekertje door Sluiten Je naam E-mail van vriend Bericht (optioneel) var adlSite='be.kapaza.nl'; var adlZone='vrijetijd_boeken'; var adlKv=''; var adlPro=window.location.protocal=='https:'?'https:':'http:'; document.write(''); if (typeof getAdLinkAdTag=='function') getAdLinkAdTag('300x250'); if (typeof getAdLinkAdTag=='function') getAdLinkAdTag('300x60'); Onload('himedia_show_ad_frame', false, ['adview_ad_block', ['adview_imu', 'adview_textlink']]) ; ©kapaza.be Voorwaarden Copyright Privacy Blog Sitemap Helpdesk var keyword = "kapaza/boeken"; keyword = keyword.toLowerCase().replace(/-/g, "").substring(0, 24) ; metriwebTag ("kapaza", keyword, "nl"); Pixel('http://stats1x1.kapaza.be', 'vi', '2', '11', '', '3100', '', 'new_click', 'nl'); |
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